It’s a Kind of Magick
It’s a Kind of Magick
Have you found yourself dabbling around in the magick arts, but struggling to find structure, a system and/or process that will “pull it all together”? I mean, it’s like you know there is something supernatural out there, but it seems to exist for everyone but you. Yet, when you look around you, you can see evidence that some people do have a special magick in their life?
If you are curious and/or if you have been slightly introduced, but still feel confused, don’t stress about it too much!
You know it’s kind of like if you are new to any field – there is a “language” and basic concepts or guidelines that helps form or define that industry. When you are a newby – it helps if you start to learn all the written and “unwritten” rules. Then you are super lucky if you can find or contract a great mentor. At some point you can even master the techniques by skillfully “breaking” those rules with successful results!
Therefore, it also helps to learn the terms and definitions. For example – very hot right now in the interior design industry is terms like shiplap, hue, cantilever, bevel etc. For your conversation to flow with another designer or to present your design to your client, you have to know and be comfortable with the context of each of these terms.
Behind the scenes, you must in some way have an awareness of these techniques, concepts and that they exist, how to create them and then finally bring it into physical manifestation for the client. Where truthfully – before learning about these concepts, it’s hard for our imaginations to even think that these are practical possibilities of how we can properly dress up a space! Contracting an interior designer is about finding a professional in the industry who can give you ideas, options, possibilities and who can save you A LOT of time (and money!) in design errors! The client may or may not have an idea of how to bring it all together, but they manifested the money (energy) needed to contract the expertise of someone more experienced to give their dreams some wings, shape and form! Pretty cool hey?
Sounds a lot like Magick to me!
Just because you think magick doesn’t exist, doesn’t mean it doesn’t! And your life could potentially be SOOOOOO much more joyful and pleasant if you just decided to invest in yourself and your space! Pretty much like contracting a designer and builder to create a well thought through, well planned and functional space in your house! Not only will that space make you feel like a million bucks, it will also add tremendous value to your home, should you decide to sell it one day! A well worthy investment!
Same with magick! If you invest in magick to transform your life, it will! Some of the terms and definitions may sound foreign in the beginning, like Life Activation, Initiation, Empower Thyself, Etheric Reconstruction etc. but, once you’ve tasted it, once you’ve lived in it, you will not be able to imagine your life without it!
Using magick is 100% about upgrading your life! And who doesn’t need that these days?
If you are curious about how to upscale your life and your living environment, contact me for a cup of tea! We can discuss options on how you can bring magick into your life!
Love and Moonlight,
Edith Mathysen
January 23, 2023 at 4:55 amSo glad to hear that you are in cape Town and I hope to meet with you soon.