This session utilises an ancient process in which soul fragments from our spirit body are retrieved
Have you ever felt like a piece of you is missing? A piece that you were used to having but somehow can’t seem to access.Shamans across different cultures believed that when we suffer emotional or physical trauma, a part of our soul exits the body as a protective mechanism or way to survive the trauma. They also believed that when we get ill, it is because of the loss of the soul (or life force). It would have been very difficult for the ancient civilisations to have travelled across sees to make such a collective story, yet we have this belief handed down in most shamanic traditions. As trained practitioners in an ancient shamanic tradition, we are handed down the sacred tools and authority to help find and usher these lost soul pieces back to the body so that you can continue life as a “whole” person.
It is said that if these pieces are not placed back before a person transitions over to the other side, that pieces are lost forever. Therefore, in ancient societies, shamans always performed soul retrieval ceremonies at someone’s death bed (where it was possible). The problem with “loosing” parts of ourselves is the fact that we forget that we are divine Godly beings and we start to go into a two-dimensional survival mode. We stop dreaming, we stop believing in the good of ourselves and others. The result is a cycle of thoughts that keeps on recreating that survival reality in our lives.
This session utilises an ancient process in which soul fragments that have become detached from our spirit body are retrieved and then re-integrated into the soul body. You will feel that you have more parts of you and you will experience being whole and re-united with yourself again.
Shamans across different cultures believed that when we suffer emotional or physical trauma, a part of our soul exits the body as a protective mechanism or way to survive the trauma.
Price: R1,950.00
Duration: 1.5 – 2hrs
Regularity: Every 6 months.
We recommend 1-3+ sessions for more serious situations
Prerequisite Requirements: None
Practitioners: Leonie Jordaan
Life Activation inspires people to move past barriers and achieve breakthroughs in their life. It awakens the dormant potential in each of us.
We live in a society in dire need of change, in need of good people to step forward and to make the world a better place.
By activating these higher aspects of your energy bodies, one can switch on the “superhero system” that exists within everyone.
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