After what feels like a lifetime of searching for meaningful and satisfactory answers to so many of life’s questions, we set upon an extended spiritual search. This took us out of our comfort zone and into the unimaginable! Essentially frustrated with the monogamous offering of conventional religions and the limited availability of true self-empowering tools to ‘regular people’, we started looking for other alternatives. At first, we were scared to try anything outside the proverbial box! But soon we realised this was all part of our programming that was trying to limit us and keep us back from living the true and full lives we ought too!
Like many South Africans, we faithfully practised the religion of our birth, but couldn’t help to notice that many spiritual practices did not yield real fruits. People were “spiritual” (connected to Spirit), but they weren’t moving, they were not progressing in life! We kept seeing the same habits, behaviour patterns and judgements playing out in circles of people that claimed to be highly religious.
Through a daunting path of self-discovery and challenging experiences, we took steps on a path of personal progression. It lead us to an ancient lineage of teachings that pre-dates pretty much any religious context around today. The exciting thing is that the methods used on this path was tried and tested over many centuries by all the great masters of society like Carl Jung, Albert Einstein, Abraham Lincoln, Leonardo Da Vinci, King David, King Salomon, Dr. Stephen Hawking, Mother Theresa, Buddha, the prophet Mohammed and many more. Even Jesus Christ himself walked this path while he was on earth!
All Sumika Soul Spa practitioners are certified to offer these 3000-year-old modalities that were handed down through the ancient Lineage of King Solomon and Mystery Schools. We know that King Solomon lived 3000 years ago, but very few people today know about the legacy he left. He knew things on this planet would change around the year 2012. He devised a plan to keep these healing modalities clear and unpolluted over the centuries. Today, these sacred tools are available to assist humanity in the healing and progression of this world.
Contact us for more information on both the healing modalities and training we offer.
We look forward to meeting and serving you.
In Love and Light,
Leonie & Ben Jordaan
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