Many times, we hear that the answers are in us. Empowerment comes from finding the true answers are deep within. If that is true, the question becomes: how do I access this information?
This workshop is a one-day course during which you will be able to experience several empowering journeys with your Higher Self. During this course we teach you how to best connect with your inner voice and you leave with the skill to use this technique in your daily life. I have seen people find many answers to complex problems by accessing the keys within. They saying that all you need is inside of you is completely true! This is how you access those keys!
No person external to us and our journey should give us any answers. In the class you get to delve much deeper into your unique essence. Psychology confirms that we live with approximately 10% awareness and the other 90% of our potential and senses is locked in the 90% of our subconscious. In practical terms for instance, by gaining a better understanding of who we are and what our unique purpose on this earth is. We all have a different journey with a unique “make-up” of our individuality. The more we are able to know about ourselves, the more difficult it will be for others to lure us off course (away from our true North – purpose and calling in this life)!
We all have a destiny to meet – this class will help you to get a clearer picture of that destiny so that you can step into your true purpose in life and live in alignment with your true essence and contract(s) with God. Apart from being extremely relaxing, this is the perfect class for you to learn ways to know the real you!
During the process you will receive your personal key for:
It is important to note that this class is more than a teaching – it is also a powerful healing opportunity for you! During the course you will receive the experience, but you will also leave with tools to continue to do the work/healing.
It is important to note that this class is more than a teaching – it is also apowerful healing opportunity for you!
Includes: It consists of meditation, experience and tools for self-empowerment. A wide variety of teas are available and light snacks will be provided.
Investment: R6550
Audit Fee: R2200 (to resit the class if you’ve already attended it before)
Prerequisite: Recommended: Sanctuary Meditation
Have you ever wondered what it means to be a multi-dimensional being? We are so much more than just a body and a soul.
In this class you will learn about the sacred uses of crystals and you will receive the tools to become a crystal healer.
This class is the more advanced version of Spiritual Intuition 1 and provides further opportunity for you to discover your spiritual gifts.
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