Depression Package

How can we live a happy life, if is so much of what we see does not resonate with our souls?

Depression Package

How can we live a happy life, if is so much of what we see does not resonate with our souls?

About the Depression Package

Where do you start?

Depression is the disease of our time. And I for one, am not surprised. How can we live a happy life, if is so much of what we see out there in the world, simply does not resonate with what is in our souls? But can we change the world? Must we supress our feelings of depression on the inside until everything in the world starts to change?


It is true that we need to be the change we want to see in the world, but, the reality is we cannot control other people. We can however, control what we do for ourselves. I believe the answer lies in changing our own internal alchemy. Together, we will step forward as a healed, changed nation, to create a better world for our children.
Depression is the silent killer of our society. In severe cases it can lead to suicide. Most people suffering from depression will tell you that they know it is not like them to feel what they feel. They will rarely admit that they have severe negative and/or self-harming thoughts.


Often people suffering from depression will say that they have a sense of hopelessness and senselessness sin the world around them. This package is a combination of healing sessions and training interventions to not only bring relief for symptoms of depression but also to equip you with the tools to empower you to redirect negative thought patterns when they come up.

Signs that you might have depression not wanting to live anymore, tiredness, irritability, apathy (not wanting to act on anything), suicide thoughts.

It is brought on by trauma, relationships, work, motherhood, abuse, bloodlines (inherited condition), many other circumstances can trigger this condition


This package is aimed at people who are experiencing mild or severe symptoms of depression, and is designed to treat depression at its core.


*All payments must be made upfront, Package deals are valid for a period of twelve months, Package should be accepted as a whole.

Included in this package

This package consists of healings to support your growth:

Life Activation

Emotional Cord Cutting

Negative Spell Removal

Purification by Light

Fire Soul Activation

Soul Retrieval

Full Spirit Healing

Isis Healing


Training interventions included in this option:

Empower Thyself

Stress Rescue



*Ts & Cs Apply

Contact us to book the Depression Package

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South African Payments

Please be advised that to confirm your booking, full payment must be made before accessing the booking form. Kindly ensure that 100% of the payment is completed either via Yoco or EFT, and subsequently return to the booking form to finalize your reservation. Don't forget to send the proof of payment to or 084 451 7991.


Please follow this to complete your booking via Yoco or via EFT with our account details below.


L Jordaan
Account nr: 6258 4554 531
Branch: 200 912


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