Have you recently noticed that you have lost your will to do or engage with things that used to be important to you?
We all have a different will to do different things.
Have you recently noticed that you have lost your will to do or engage with things that
used to be important to you – and it still is – but you have given up. You are done
knocking down the door on things that doesn’t want to shift. Yet, it still bothers you,
because you know deep down you are the one who needs to drive things forward until
they come into fruition?
Have you taken up a cause or responsibility (could be for your family!) and you just got
hurt or disappointed so many times that you find it hard to muster that last little bit of
courage to see things through?
The emotional impact of not having a strong will include:
None of the great victories or great battles in history was won by people who didn’t have a strong will to succeed. A strong will to continue when things got tough. A strong will to drive towards the dream and vision they had. Sometimes we stop just short of our biggest breakthrough because our will gets broken. Don’t be caught like that after all that you have put in. It is in resistance that we grow and truly create great things in life! It is in working through these hardships that we create a legacy.
This healing is highly recommended when you have been tirelessly putting in effort on things that was seemingly not shifting or changing but you couldn’t give up because something urged you to keep going despite obstacles and challenges faced.
Like water dripping, most of us have some small things eating away at our will center, thus distracting us from our true purpose. It is often unseen and undetected by ourselves.
Price: R1,650.00
Duration: 40 – 60 Min
Regularity: Can be done as needed.
Prerequisite Requirements: None
Practitioners: Leonie Jordaan
This process helps you to experience freedom from unwanted negative mental and/or emotional ties.
We live in a society in dire need of change, in need of good people to step forward and to make the world a better place.
By activating these higher aspects of your energy bodies, one can switch on the “superhero system” that exists within everyone.
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