Fire Soul Activation

The Fire Soul Activation re-calibrates the whole magnetic structure of a person

Fire Soul Activation

The Fire Soul Activation re-calibrates the whole magnetic structure of a person

What is Fire Soul Activation?

Passion in life has become so rare that we immediately notice it when someone has it!

The Fire Soul Activation re-calibrates the whole magnetic structure of a person, while activating the Fire Soul spirit in the body. This is what is referred to in the Vedas as the first step of the kundalini awakening. Receiving this infusion is another huge step in the activation of awareness of our true divine nature. It is notable that when someone talks with passion – people look at them funny! Passion in life has become so rare that we immediately notice it when someone has it! You can see that they are “switched on” and normally want to be around them! People are attracted to people with passion because passion is the foundation for everything in life! If we don’t have passion, it is easy to fall into a victim state. It is also easy to become negative and self-destructive. In this state we struggle to see options and we feel extreme limitation – whether self-imposed or not.


Through pro-active health care, we can use symbols and a variety of other techniques to will help to seal these leaks. This will stop your passion energy from leaking. The Fire Soul Body is what carries your passion, your drive and that spark creativity we carry inside.  Once you have this energy contained inside you, you can direct it to whichever project or idea you choose, and you will experience a different level of your ability to create than before.

Re-calibrates Your Entire Magnetic Structure

This healing is really important to “reset” your magnetic energy after you have flown – especially international flights where you have crossed time zones.

What are some

of the benefits?

  • Increase drive and inspiration
  • Take on new tasks
  • Improved physical relationship with their partner or spouse
  • New surge of creative energy
  • Ideas for projects.
  • More focussed
  • More clarity

Is this for you?

  • Feeling depressed or apathetic.
  • Having suicidal thoughts.
  • Feeling that everything is impossible
  • Feeling restless or disconnected.
  • Having a lack of direction and drive.
  • Lack of sex drive and functional relationships
  • Struggle to be creative

The Particulars

Price: R1,950.00

Duration: 1hr

Regularity: Can be done every day

Prerequisite Requirements: None

Practitioners: Leonie Jordaan

Book Your Fire Soul Activation Session Today!

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L Jordaan
Account nr: 6258 4554 531
Branch: 200 912


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