The purpose of this healing is to energetically cleanse the system. This includes: the chakras system and the other energy layers on the body like the aura, etheric and magnetic system.
It redirects otherwise lost vibrations on the body and it thus corrects the vibrational state of the body. It cleans out the “mind clutter” that comes with these distortions in the auric system.
It connects you to a galactic or universal way of thinking about things. This is a wonderfully cleansing and calming modality and most people are asleep by the end of the session. It is especially helpful if you have been doing a lot of emotional release work.
This is a wonderfully cleansing and calming modality and most people are asleep by the end of the session.
Price: R2,500.00
Duration: 90min
Regularity: Can be done every day
Prerequisite Requirements: None
Practitioners: Leonie Jordaan
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