Day 1 – Lock Down Diaries
Day 1 – Lock Down Diaries
It has begun. I am naturally a person that can keep myself extremely busy – too busy some might say. I always have a list of 1000 things to do – of which about half is sorting things on my computer, emails, files, editing, content development etc. Am I entirely sad about the lock down? At this stage if I’m honest not really, because I have silently been feeling that the world is moving too fast. I don’t have time to do as many things as properly and with as much care as I would like to. Constantly being pulled into one meeting after the other have built up a lot of internal frustration for me. So I for one am looking forward to ‘getting off the bus” for a couple of weeks.
I always did question the fruitfulness of all Capetonians rushing through peak hour traffic for two hours in the morning and two hours in the evening and never could commit myself to one single corporate engagement because of that. I preferred being a consultant working on adhoc projects with my clients. Also – to drive 2 hours to meet a client in Constantia for 1 hour didn’t warrant my time, their time and the carbon emissions that came with it. But I know it is because we were (perhaps still are) scared of online fraudsters or cat fishing.
I also know (and have known for a long time) that we will have to get over our fear of being broadcasted online as this is where the world is going.
Last week already – I connected with two new clients over internet calls – and it went great! We could hear each other clearly – we could talk and focus on what needed to be done, and instead of driving home, we could immediately follow up with multiple emails – all within minutes of talking to each other. A great bond was established, despite not having met each other before! I could really “feel” and connect with the beautiful women on the other side. There are many ways to determine if someone is real – first of all: TRUST YOUR GUT FEEL! I find it interesting that this television series “The Circle” on Netflix came out just months before the news of the corona virus broke. It is fascinating to watch from a social science point of view.
At this stage I can only presume, I am like everyone else out there: exploring the positive side of the lock down in an attempt to curb any latent fears or feelings of doubt, uncertainty, even panic about the virus and it’s possible effect on humanity and more so – on my family.
I am under no misconception that we are in for a rough ride – and while the fact that we can be at home with a mandatory 3 week holiday is still a novelty, I can without a doubt say that the novelty will wear off. Regardless, for as long as I can and for as long as I have my health, I will continue to capture the journey through all the stages of joy, grief, mourning with persistence.
But for now – there is still excitement about the time with my family, inspiration for ways to keep everyone busy and fed and I pray that I can keep the focus to truly build a foundation for people in my community to evolve to embrace their royal and divine nature to the full.
My prediction is that the world will go on with all it’s current behaviours – alcoholism, abuse, corruption, mental illness, financial pressures etc. – however what this virus will do is it will highlight all the fruit of negative behaviours and force it to its extreme so that it can come to the light. This will be our opportunity to say “NO” – “no more” and to call people on their behaviours and bad fruit they are producing for themselves, for their family and their communities.
This is our opportunity to purge the evil from our society – but it is going to start with us being aware of the violations of our personal and other boundaries. It is only going to discontinue if we stop being complicit in other people’s bad behaviour. It starts with each and everyone of us speaking out against the rot in our society. Yes, I wish you good health, I wish you the safety of your family but I more so I wish that you be brave, be courage – face your fears and SERVE yourself AND OTHERS when the opportunity presents itself! Don’t be afraid to face your feelings, emotions and inner chamber during this time! You might see things now that you weren’t ready to see before!
Sumika means “let there be light” in Sanskrit. May this be our time to bring light into all aspects and areas of our lives.
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