Challenge in Friends

Challenge in Friends

As humans we are interesting creatures. We tend to wish away the people that makes our life “difficult”. Friends disagree with us and we cut off the relationship. We keep repeating the same hurts and heartaches throughout our life.  The reality is that these people in our life are there for a reason. If we take the time to do introspection and find the patterns in our life, we can identify the strongholds that are keeping us down.  Next time, instead of resenting the person that gets under your nose, ask yourself “what is the lesson I need to learn from this” or “what is my pattern playing out in this scenario”. The answer to these two simple questions can lead you to uncover old hidden childhood wounds that are playing out in your life.  The sooner you can uncover and heal those wounds, the sooner you can move on to a happier, fuller life. A life with more joy, abundance and all the good fruits of the peaceful spirit.

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