The Garden of Envy
The Garden of Envy
Everybody who knows me, knows that I am pretty crazy about plants and gardening. It hasn’t always been like that as a child, but as an adult, I always wanted a house with a big luscious garden! About two years ago, the universe delivered and I now have a home that I absolutely adore – especially the garden and I spend way to much time and money making it pretty! Luckily my husband is an avid Gardner too – so we manage to keep everything alive between us (as I’m not really one with green fingers)! I only dream up the plans and ideas for it! I get other people to execute!
I often equate life to us being gardeners with our plants and consequences being the fruits of our choices. Literally like any garden, nursery or farm – if you have a plant, you need to take responsibility for it! We are the gardeners of our life and the state our gardens are up to us, right?
On a daily basis I work with people who decide to invest “in their garden” by doing something for themselves spiritually. Sometimes people come to me for help because they are just curious and sometimes they come to me amidst tremendous trauma. Some buy “a plant” for their garden and some choose to go home to exactly the same garden they had before.
Most of the time, I listen to amazing stories of people who brought a plant and now they have a whole garden full of smaller plants, making up the bigger picture of their life.
Sometimes, I get people who come back to me after 6 months of buying a plant and then they complain that the plant died. If I ask them if they watered the plant, they normally avoid my question but I clearly see its a “no”. I normally get the answer that the plant is broken, it doesn’t work. I “sold” them a dead plant which is a blatant lie because I saw the plant was healthy and it had flowers In fact, I even have messages as proof.
Other times I get the answer that people don’t have a good garden and that my garden looks better than theirs because I can afford a gardener and they can’t. So they will never have a good garden because they will never be able to afford a gardener. Sometimes they tell me how to garden, while they don’t have a single living plant on their porch. Or they tell me I sold them a plant “knowing full well” that they were not gardeners. The other one I get is that they don’t want my plant anymore (now that it is dead they bring it back), but they will go to their friends who have home nurseries and they’ll get plants for free. So you think you will keep those “free” plants alive?
In what world will that kind of mindset yield good results?
If you bought a plant (attended Empower Thyself):
- you need to PLAN! You must have an idea what your garden must look like in 5 years from now! (have goals, dreams and vision)
- you need to water it REGULARLY (do your rituals, meditate REGULARLY)
- you need to fertilize it (do more classes to help you expand and progress – especially if you feel stuck and like you struggle with making choices and/or have discernment)
- you need to take the weeds out! (do healings if you have issues you need to work on!)
- you need to prune it! (do your shadow work – you are not a saint! YET!)
- you need to work in your garden! (TAKE ACTION – and apply the principles learned in Empower Thyself e.g. ACTION follows thought)
Sometimes I hear people making very hurtful statements about me, and people I love and know, who go through a tremendous amount of effort and dedication to have beautiful gardens! And I always shake my head at the age old vice of envy!
Check in with yourself! If you are looking at the flowers on someone else’s yard and you compare it to yours that died, while feeling any kind of nastiness towards that person – YOUR LENSES ARE TAINTED! You have unhealed hurts from your past! It is not fair that you project your lack of dedication to yourself unto them because they show good growth and results? They did their work, they’ve put in their time! They deserve the fruits of their labour!
The reality is that you will in two years from now still sit in exactly the same place with a dead, dry garden and the person you were projecting on, will have expanded their nursery and in my experience, those are the people who start to hand out plants from their garden for free because they figured out the formula AND they have abundance!
Don’t let envy keep you from bringing light to yourself and others! Don’t let your negative ego run your show and don’t let it create bad karma for you by sending bad stuff out to people you are jealous off! That is an EGO TRAP! And a sneaky sneaky one! (those of you who attended my Empower Thyself Classes recently will know exactly what that inside joke means!)
Your jealousy and envy is keeping blessings from you! Remove yourself from the garden of envy!
If you don’t want a green garden with beautiful flowers it’s fine, but stop bad mouthing those who have beautiful gardens and who worked at its upkeep! That is not okay!
Love and Moonlight, Leonie
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