Fitting In

Fitting In

Something that really boggles my mind quite extensively, is what people would do to fit in. Fit in with the crowd, the latest trends, the latest fashion – you understand the gist? I look at people’s photographs at the moment: all shades of brown tones in editing, boho has gone stale, monotone has gone well… monotone. If you want to be perceived to have “value”, you must have xyz brand handbag. I personally don’t get that. I’m terrified of fitting in! Simply because I believe we are all unique and have something unique to bring to the table! What if me chasing after the latest trend, robs me from me expressing myself as my TRUE SELF?

A legend passed today – Iris Apfel – what a fantastic human being! My biggest wish is that one day when I die, that people will be able to spontaneously say: she lived and expressed her true self! She danced to the beat of her own drum. She did things her way. She was authentic in who she was. She was real! I believe this darling, unique lady did that and inspired SO many to not be afraid to live outside of the box! She lead a silent revolution by being her authentic self. And she lived her truth till the end!

But this opens the question for me – do you really know yourself? Or are you a product of your programming? Programming happens from parents, teachers, spiritual leaders, friends, siblings – basically anyone you come in contact with who tells you that you should xyz. A girl doesn’t do that, a boy doesn’t do that, a good person doesn’t look like that, a bad person looks like this. This is bad, this is good – nothing in between. Everything that shaped your world view. Are you SURE you are thinking for yourself? What are your soul contracts that you came to fulfill? What did you look like as Spirit? If you can’t remember, you have a very high chance that you are still brainwashed or programmed by society. Have you been able to go silent, press deep within to hear your true voice inside?

Most people who go on a journey of spiritual enlightenment, realises that there is more to life than what they’ve been told. Many are scared to explore this abyss, others are so sick and tired of being sick and tired, that they are so ready to hear something that makes sense! They are so ready to hear about the good of who they are, because for so long, despite their deepest instincts, they’ve been told who they are is wrong, unacceptable, not worthy, not of the Light etc. People who dare to go out of that paradigm often find so much truth about themselves! They find so much joy!

My advice would be: Be who you are, show your colours! Don’t live trying to please others and don’t be afraid to be yourself, no matter what the crowd is saying about you! Be you – you do YOU! Do it boldly, do it proudly, until the critical voices inside your head, AND the critical voices OUTSIDE YOU, goes silent! Be so authentically you that you are a success, the voices will go SILENT.

Do you want to learn more about who you are? Are you curious and ready to go on a path of self discovery and personal enlightenment? Contact me for an obligation free cup of tea and a chat!

Love and Moonlight,


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