Empty Your Bucket

Empty Your Bucket

On a recent trip inland, we stayed over at a guesthouse in the Klein Karoo town of Oudtshoorn. I came across these buckets mounted on a wall in the front garden of the estate. Quite a simple feature, but it also made me think about the buckets I carry in my life. And boy, do I have many. I have the “always busy” disease and if I’m truthful – I LOVE EVERY MINUTE OF IT. My outlook on life has always been “do everything, regret nothing”. The day I lay down my head, I want to know that I dried every single drop out of the facecloth of life. The downside of this philosophy is the fact that I almost break down every six months. Every time I come very close to the edge (loosing my marbles), I am grounded by the love and support of friends and family. Taurus star signs are like that. We work very hard and we almost never give up on our dreams and goals. A double edged sword and a very fine line between persistence and stubbornness that can lead to our demise.  These red buckets made me realise a strange phenomenon have been creeping in to my life. Strange, but pleasant, I dare say! To give some context: I broke my leg in December 2016, which forced me to sit down and be reliant on others. I had three months to think and conceive any inspirational thought imaginable, definitely one of my gifts in life!  Normally that would be a perfect description of “hell on earth” for my exhaustive personality.

I did however, learn so much about compassion and patience. A hard lesson to learn yet I regret not a minute, as it’s given me so many gifts in return. A small sacrifice and a temporary inconvenience, resulting in long term benefits.  I had to learn to let go. I had to learn to empty my bucket. The funny part? The more I emptied, the more flow came pouring in. I was releasing on all dimensions as well as physical and emotionally.  Since letting go of other people’s emotional stuff, I’ve been losing weight around my middle. I have not changed any of my eating patterns, I have however decided to go to bed and get some sleep, a luxury which I normally would not have afford myself. I have been throwing out old decor items, clothes, kids toys, shoes, you name it.  I got rid of relationships that didn’t serve me, and as result, have much more time left to spend with my family. That which really matters to me. Against all odds, I started noticing that with everything I threw out – the good stuff started coming in. Out of nowhere, not worked for, not deserved, simply gifted by the Universe. Business have been booming and I seem to get more and more opportunities coming my way every day. The more I threw out, the more it kept on filling with the good and lighter “stuff”. This is my encouragement: If you still believe that “letting go” will leave you out of pocket or lacking in some way, try something different for once: empty your bucket. Yes, it’s a bucket, not a glass, don’t limit yourself. Hey, while you are at it and creating with your thoughts, see it as an ocean and not even a bucket! Don’t create a limit. Hand yourself over to the universe with trust of a better tomorrow. When we let go, our hearts becomes open to receive. Let it go, and let God.

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