Day 44 – Lock Down Diaries

Day 44 – Lock Down Diaries



From when I was a little girl, my parents taught me that if you watch how a person does the small things in life – you will learn what kind of person they are in the bigger decisions of their life. Later in life I ran into the same wisdom through a lady called Verla Wade, and she said: “how you do the little things, is how you do the big things”. And I have to say, with more wisdom and experience over 40 I can attest to that being true.

I find that keeping myself accountable for how I do things when no one is watching, or small things that seem to not matter, is a way to bring myself into alignment with myself. It is like it is important for me to do because it helps me feel like I am more in integrity and in alignment with my true self. I feel more authentic.  I think the key is not perfection, but authenticity.

I feel like a lot of times we make excuses for other people when we notice they do small things that doesn’t sit well with us, but that we brush it off because we don’t want to come across as judgemental. The irony is that this is a form of self judgement. In trying not to judge others, we end up judging ourselves and we get angry at ourselves for not trusting ourselves when those people end up “letting us do down”.  The truth of the matter is – they didn’t let us down -we let ourselves down. The forgiveness of others will not truly and completely happen if it didn’t start with us forgiving ourselves for not listening to the voice inside.

The best form of forgiveness is:

  • forgiving yourself
  • learn to listen to your inner voice again
  • protecting your peace inside
  • loving yourself unconditionally – this means: learning to trust all the decisions you’ve made in life
  • learning to love yourself completely, without rejecting any parts of you

It’s all good to be an activist, rebel, influencer, leader etc out there in the world – but it is like that cliched expression: if you really want to change the world – start by changing yourself and how you talk to yourself first. If just twenty percent of us can change that inner dialouge for ourselves, something will automatically start to shift in the greater community. We each have this power – we don’t have to leave our families, wage a war, take up weapons, start a campaign – we can simply start to keep ourselves accountable for our own thoughts.






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