Day 29 – Lock Down Diaries

Day 29 – Lock Down Diaries



The COVID19 virus seems to be the master illusionist. As soon as you think you are reaching something of substance, it disappears. As soon as you think lock down is over, it is extended, indefinitely.

You spend hours browsing through internet to get your retail fix – and just as you are about to press “complete the transaction” – you get the notification – “only essentials”. And there goes your dreams of organising that long overdue cupboard.

You walk through the shops and you pack all the items you can see – and at the counter “no sorry M’am, these are not essential items”.

As soon as you feel you’ve got this home schooling situation under knee – it tumbles in with kids screaming, paint everywhere, food, cool drinks and dogs running through the room.

As soon as you think you are emotionally fine with being in isolation for so many consecutive days – you are back to missing your girls, screaming for a hair dye, wax and you are finding yourself getting all the more agitated with the theft of your free movement.  You think you can not get sick – and in your mind if you do, you will survive it.

So what is the point of this post? The point of this post is to think about all the perfect illusions you have created for yourself. Because in ourselves, we are all extremely good magicians or illusionists – we can create anything we want to with our thoughts. We can create all sorts of dreams and scenarios that temporarily makes us “happy”. This is, until the comfort is taken away – until the illusion is popped. Then we start to wine, moan, complain and lament about our tough lives.

For some people the illusion is that they have no fear. For some the illusion is a full pantry cupboard. For some the illusion is a full house with children and a loving partner.  For some the illusion is that they don’t need anybody – or they are whole and healed. For some the illusion is happiness and peace.

And then, you open that empty cupboard, you open that bank account, you crawl into that empty bed. You feel that pain from the past. You get that call – a close family member died of the virus.

If we are going to be masters of our life, we are going to have to find a balance between identifying what is illusion and what is real. A magician has to master identifying their own illusions and they must not allow their current reality to limit what they want to create. Identifying reality doesn’t mean accepting it.  And the great question is: how to change that reality. Therein lies the great mastery.

You are the magician of your life – which of your current illusions are keeping you from changing your reality? What you don’t change, will continue to exist. Don’t let distractions and false promises of shallow happiness and temporary satisfaction keep you away from your true peace and ultimate potential.

Life really is both THAT HARD and THAT EASY to figure out. It is in the contrast that we find the middle way, and there we grow.




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